Project Pram
While searching on Craigs list for boats one day, I came across a 8ft. Wooden Pram for sale. The asking price of the Pram was $75, this had to be too good of a deal to be true. So I emailed the seller to see if they still had the boat for sale. I receive an email the next day, with the good news. STILL FOR SALE, YAHOO! The next day I met the owner and his cousin who built the pram. I paid the man and was off to restore my new pram. The paint and sand paper soon overcame the cost of the boat, but I knew it would be worth it. I named the pram "Lunabird" a nickname for my dog. Much thanks to my sister who donated the trailer and helped me pick-up the pram. Now I just have to take the Lunabird out for a test drive.

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